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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Funny thoughts..

Let me take this oportunity to take back my word.......
I had said....rather with the ignorance of a toad within a well....that it is indeed a small world....
in reality it is just the opposite....and starkly opposite for the records.....its just that a bulging
pocket makes it look smaller..............
So yesterday I went to a friend's place....the kind of friend you would rather not get mucked with...but
what the hell ..its again Murphy poking his rather extended a nose in your life.......and you just cant
help falling for it...........
Its May in Kolkata and it does take a lot of guts to brave the mayhem of May....and brave I I
got out .......well what do you call the exercise that requires the flexibility and mastering of probably
all the muscles starting down from the pelvic girdle along with a decent manipulation of your hands in
a 'tin can' yellow cab that so ornately ornaments the streets of Kolkata.......yes it was a short enough
ride in a 'shuttle' taxi which would certainly not incite a decent memory of the crush you had in a spa
last year but yes, it was a decent 'united effort' to the destination along with several other 'office goers',
'family men' and well not so descriptive individuals....but certainly not hots ladies................
So here I was....standing quite aimlessly in a crossroad...........
An interesting thing you can find in your life is that how people often....deliberately or subconsiously....
name their favourites........sons....daughters....pets....novels.......even streets in a way which is
hardly a shadow of their self.....some rumpled up con in the country penitentiary named after a saint...
a perpetually old yellow dog named Angel.........a pimply obese girl named after some mythological
goddess of beauty........a street which has clearly seen the ashes of time still called Notun Rastaa(The New Road)..

So here I was strolling lazily at the misnomer of a New Road and waiting for a phone call after which I ended
up....quite exhausted before the house that cradles my friend.........and he was.....
with his perpetual comical self of the smilling Buddha...along with another vagabond of our lot with
prickly beard and glasses even thicker than mine.......however the surrounding had.....quite shamelessly
the air of someplace other than my own was a place that still has few scum covered
ponds with dead crows stuck in the net laid above it for some reason left unsurmised.......few coconut trees
with no nuts........a huge banyan the one you can find in many of the psychadellic rock band posters......and feilds.....where people still enjoy the luxury of outdoor madness.......
A little room crammed with computer......and computer peripherals....and a window.........
And beyond it there was even more pond ...with a tree bending down with 'Robert Frost' kindness......
and dark dank bushes reeking of dark dank foliages.....the sky was gloomy and the rather grey scene had...
much to my surprise.....the pang of a call unknown.....and we had a discussion of the things to be done by me while leaving this city in couple of months time...............................

It was a good trip......

Picture taken from his own web album

1 comment:

slothful guzzler said...

well...nice trip or not...i hope it was a magnetically pregnant one!!!