system snapshots...........

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Monday, February 11, 2008

I got this official confirmation that every person in our vicinity is essentially the same........well and that birds of the same feather indeed flock people live throughout his share of life and die unobtrusively much like a bubble in a pond with the same predictability which infact has a number of names......and 'system' is one such name........last week I got a call at night when I was as usual sitting by a glaring computer trying to make out a pattern of sanity from the high sounding technical scribbles from a very friend of mine.........and I came to know he was sitting alone in a pub trying to decipher some shape out of the staggering loneliness hovering around him like dun coloured clouds in a murky day.........and more meaningless monotones for 'ol' time's sake' I did the only thing that appeared to provide a solace....or rather a refuge from the onslaught of emotions......I cut the whether it is among the dark shadows of the pub providing magical solutions to the brain or with the 'cancel' button of the phone.......we all run away from something we are not really sure of......and later some of us happen to write few ingorrigible lines about the same.........

1 comment:

slothful guzzler said...

well.....running away from the very things that has given you great many good you the inclination on certain doleful nights to cling on......and thats when good communication comes in handy!!!!!!!!!